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Hummel 89 Little Cellist

Little Cellist
Hummel 82/II Tmk 5, Type 1
Hummel 82/II Expressions of Youth, Tmk 7, Type 1
Hummel 82/II without Expressions of Youth, Tmk , Type 1
Hummel 89/1 Tmk 1 and 2, Type 1, Eyes Open
Hummel 89/1 Tmk 1 and 2, Type 2, Eyes Open
Hummel 89/1 Tmk 3, Type 1, Eyes Open
Hummel 89/1 Tmk 5, Type 1 / Hummel 89/1 Tmk 5, Type 2
Hummel 89/I Tmk 6, Type 1