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M.I. Hummel Figurines, Arbeitsmuster Color, = Working Sample
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Arbeitsmuster Red X, White
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Arbeitsmuster, Color, Red X
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Arbeitsmuster, White
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M.I. Hummel Figurines, Fotomuster / Photo Pattern
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Holy Water Front
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Malmufter = Master Painters
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Master Painters Marks, Red Lines
M.I. Hummel Figurines, MUSTERZIMMER = Showroom Sample
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Originalmuster = Original Pattern
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Possible Future Edition
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Progression Series
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Spritzmuster = Spray Pattern
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M.I. Hummel, Arbeitsmuster, Color, Red Line
M.I. Hummel, Arbeitsmuster, White, Red Line
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3. Foreign Sets / Coins
→ Israel
Coin Sets of All Nations, Israel
Israel 1960 5 Lirot 12th Anniversary of Independence - Theodore Herzl Centenary, Km 29, 5720 (1960)
Israel 1967 10 Lirot, The Victory, Km 49, 5727 (1967)
Israel 1969 10 Lirot Peace - 21st Anniversary of Independence, Km 53, 5729 (1969)
Israel 1969 10 Lirot Peace - 21st Anniversary of Independence, Km 53, 5729 (1969) ק
Israel 1970 10 Lirot Independence, Km 55, 5730 (1970) מ
Israel 1970 10 Lirot Pidyon Haben, Km 56.2, 5730 (1970) מ, Reeded edge
Israel 1971 10 Lirot 10 Lirot Independence, Km 58, 5731 (1971), Without star; Utrecht
Israel 1971 10 Lirot 10 Lirot Independence, Km 58, 5731 (1971)מ
Israel 1971 10 Lirot Let My People Go, Km 59, 5731 (1971) ✡
Israel 1971 10 Lirot Let My People Go, Km 59, 5731 (1971) מ
Israel 1972 10 Lirot Independence, Km 62, 5732 (1972) ✡
Israel 1972 10 Lirot Independence, Km 62, 5732 (1972) מ
Israel 1972 10 Lirot Pidyon Haben, Km 61.1, 5732 (1972) ✡, Plain edge
Israel 1972 10 Lirot Pidyon Haben, Km 61.1, 5732 (1972), Plain edge
Israel 1972 10 Lirot Pidyon Haben, Km 61.2, 5732 (1972) מ, Reeded edge
Israel 1972 5 Lirot Hanukkah - Russian Lamp, 5733 (1972) ✡
Israel 1973 10 Lirot Independence, Km 71, 5733 (1973) ✡, wanted
Israel 1973 10 Lirot Independence, Km 71, 5733 (1973) מ
Israel 1974 10 Lirot, Independence, Km 77, 5734 (1974) מ
Israel 1974 10 Lirot, Pidyon Haben, Km 76.2, Reeded Edge
Israel 1974 25 Lirot David Ben Gurion, Km 79, 5734 (1974) ✡
Israel 1974 25 Lirot David Ben Gurion, Km 79, 5734 (1974) מ
Israel 1975 25 Lirot Israel Bond Program, Km 81, 5735 (1975) מ
Israel 1976 10 Lirot Hanukkah - US Lamp, Km 87.1, 5736 (1976) מ, Reeded Edge
Israel 1976 25 Lirot Independence, Km 85, 5736 (1976) ✡
Israel 1976 25 Lirot Independence, Km 85, 5736 (1976) מ
Israel 1986 2 New Sheqalim Hanukkah - Algerian Lamp, Km 176, 5747 (1986) מ
Israel 1987 2 New Sheqalim English Menorah, Km 184, 5748 (1988) מ
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