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1 M.I. Hummel Figurines
M.I. Hummel / Goebel Ashtrays
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Arbeitsmuster, Color, Red X
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Arbeitsmuster, White
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M.I. Hummel Annual Bells, Christmas Bells, Miniature Bells, Color / White / Arbeitsmuster / Malmufter
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M.I. Hummel Figurines Lists
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Annual Bells
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Annual Plates
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Arbeitsmuster Color, = Working Sample
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Arbeitsmuster Red X, White
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Archivmuster = Archive Samples
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Aufsteller Plaques
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Century Collection
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Collector Set
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Collectors Club Plaques
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Commemorative Sets
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Fotomuster / Photo Pattern
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Holy Water Front
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Malmufter = Master Painters
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Master Painters Marks, Red Lines
M.I. Hummel Figurines, MUSTERZIMMER = Showroom Sample
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Originalmuster = Original Pattern
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Plaques
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Possible Future Edition
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Progression Series
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Spritzmuster = Spray Pattern
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Store Display Plaque
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Table Lamps
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Years of Service Plaque
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M.I. Hummel Miniature Figurines
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M.I. Hummel Years of Service Plaques
M.I. Hummel, Arbeitsmuster, Color, Red Line
M.I. Hummel, Arbeitsmuster, White, Red Line
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M.I. Hummel Annual Bells, Christmas Bells, Miniature Bells, Color / White / Arbeitsmuster / Malmufter
M.I. Hummel Annual Bells, Christmas Bells, Miniature Bells, Color / White / Arbeitsmuster / Malmufter
M.I. Hummel Annual Bells, Christmas Bells, Miniature Bells,
Color / White / Arbeitsmuster / Malmufter
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M.I. Hummel 713 Favorite Pet, 1991 Annual Bell, Tmk 7, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 714 Whistler's Duet, 1992 Annual Bell, Arbeitsmuster = Working Sample, Tmk 7
M.I. Hummel 714 Whistler's Duet, 1992 Annual Bell, Arbeitsmuster = Working Sample, Tmk 7
M.I. Hummel 714 Whistler's Duet, 1992 Annual Bell, Arbeitsmuster = Working Sample, Tmk 7
M.I. Hummel 714 Whistler's Duet, 1992 Annual Bell, Arbeitsmuster = Working Sample, Tmk 7
M.I. Hummel 714 Whistler's Duet, 1992 Annual Bell, Tmk 7
M.I. Hummel 775 Ride Into Christmas, Christmas Bells, Series One, 1989 Tmk 6
M.I. Hummel 776 Letter to Santa Claus, Christmas Bells, Series One 1990, Tmk 6
M.I. Hummel 777 Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Christmas Bells, Series One 1991, Tmk 7
M.I. Hummel 778 Harmony in Four Parts, Christmas Bells, Series One 1992, Tmk 7
M.I. Hummel 779 Celestial Musician, Christmas Bells, Series Two 1993, Tmk 7
M.I. Hummel 780 Festival Harmony Mandolin, Christmas Bells, Series Two 1994, Tmk 7
M.I. Hummel 781 Festival Harmony Flute, Christmas Bells, Series Two 1995, Tmk 7
M.I. Hummel 782 Christmas Song, Christmas Bells Series Two 1996, Tmk 7
M.I. Hummel 783 Thanksgiving Prayer, Christmas Bell Series, First Edition in Series III 1997, Tmk 7
M.I. Hummel 784 Echoes of Joy, Christmas Bell 1998, Tmk 7, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 785 Joyful Noise, Christmas Bell 1999, Tmk 7, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 786 Light The Way, Christmas Bell 2000, Tmk 7
M.I. Hummel 860 Let's Sing, 1978 Miniature Bell, Tmk 8
M.I. Hummel 860 Let's Sing, 1978 Miniature Bell, Tmk 8
M.I. Hummel 861 Farewell, 1979 Miniature Bell, Tmk 8
M.I. Hummel 861 Farewell, 1979 Miniature Bell, Tmk 8
M.I. Hummel 861 Farewell, 1979 Miniature Bell, Tmk 8
M.I. Hummel 862 Thoughtful, 1980 Miniature Bell, Tmk 8
M.I. Hummel 862 Thoughtful, 1980 Miniature Bell, Tmk 8
M.I. Hummel 863, In Tune, 1981 Miniature Bell, Tmk 8
M.I. Hummel 863, In Tune, 1981 Miniature Bell, Tmk 8
M.I. Hummel 864, She Loves Me, 1982 Miniature Bell, Tmk 8
M.I. Hummel 865 Knit One, 1983 Miniature Bell, Tmk 8
M.I. Hummel 865 Knit One, 1983 Miniature Bell, Tmk 8
M.I. Hummel 866 Mountaineer, 1984 Miniature Bell, Tmk 8
M.I. Hummel 867 Sweet Song, 1985 Miniature Bell Tmk 8
M.I. Hummel 867 Sweet Song, 1985 Miniature Bell Tmk 8
M.I. Hummel 868 Sing Along, 1986 Miniature Bell, Tmk 8
M.I. Hummel 868 Sing Along, 1986 Miniature Bell, Tmk 8
M.I. Hummel 869 With Loving Greetings, 1987 Miniature Bell, Tmk 8
M.I. Hummel 870 Busy Student, 1988 Miniature Bell, Tmk 8
M.I. Hummel 871 Latest News, 1989 Miniature Bell, Tmk 8
M.I. Hummel 872 What's New?, 1990 Miniature Bell, Tmk 8
M.I. Hummel 873 Favorite Pet, 1991 Miniature Bell, Tmk 8
M.I. Hummel 873 Favorite Pet, 1991 Miniature Bell, Tmk 8
M.I. Hummel 874 Whistler's Duet, 1992 Miniature Bell, Tmk 8
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