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1 M.I. Hummel Figurines
M.I. Hummel / Goebel Ashtrays
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Arbeitsmuster, Color, Red X
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Arbeitsmuster, White
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Bankruptcy Sale
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Commemorative Plates
Goebel Collectors Club
M.I. Hummel Annual Bells, Christmas Bells, Miniature Bells, Color / White / Arbeitsmuster / Malmufter
M.I. Hummel Bookends
M.I. Hummel Calendars
M.I. Hummel Club / Society
M.I. Hummel Club Figurines, List
M.I. Hummel Festival Plaques
M.I. Hummel Figurines Lists
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Annual Bells
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Annual Plates
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Arbeitsmuster Color, = Working Sample
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Arbeitsmuster Red X, White
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Archivmuster = Archive Samples
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Aufsteller Plaques
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Century Collection
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Collector Set
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Collectors Club Plaques
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Commemorative Sets
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Fotomuster / Photo Pattern
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Holy Water Front
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Malmufter = Master Painters
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Master Painters Marks, Red Lines
M.I. Hummel Figurines, MUSTERZIMMER = Showroom Sample
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Originalmuster = Original Pattern
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Plaques
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Possible Future Edition
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Progression Series
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Spritzmuster = Spray Pattern
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Store Display Plaque
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Table Lamps
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Years of Service Plaque
M.I. Hummel Gold Christmas Ornaments
M.I. Hummel Miniature Figurines
M.I. Hummel Molds
M.I. Hummel Reproduction / Fake
M.I. Hummel Series
M.I. Hummel Years of Service Plaques
M.I. Hummel, Arbeitsmuster, Color, Red Line
M.I. Hummel, Arbeitsmuster, White, Red Line
M.I. Hummel, Caribbean Collection
M.I. Hummel, Swiss Collection
Old Staffordshire Ware England
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Our M.I. Hummel Collection, Display Pictures
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Bundeswehr Brustanhänger
Duplicates that I have for Trade
Gerold Porzellan Bavaria
Lefton China
Lenox® Figurines
Lladro Figurines
Reference Books / Standard Catalog of World Coins
White House Christmas Ornaments
Wood & Sons England
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M.I. Hummel Series
M.I. Hummel Club
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Annual Plates
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Commemorative Plates
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Danbury Mint M.I. Hummel Plates
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3. Foreign Sets / Coins
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Canada Royal Canadian Mint
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1950 50 Cents - George VI w/o IND:IMP:
1952 50 Cents - George VI w/o IND:IMP:
1953 50 Cents - Elizabeth II 1st portrait, simplified coat of arms
1953 50 Cents - Elizabeth II 1st portrait, simplified coat of arms
1954 50 Cents - Elizabeth II 1st portrait, simplified coat of arms
1955 50 Cents - Elizabeth II 1st portrait, simplified coat of arms
1956 50 Cents - Elizabeth II 1st portrait, simplified coat of arms
1957 50 Cents - Elizabeth II 1st portrait, simplified coat of arms
1958 50 Cents - Elizabeth II 1st portrait, simplified coat of arms
1959 50 Cents - Elizabeth II 1st portrait, complete coat of arms
1960 50 Cents - Elizabeth II 1st portrait, complete coat of arms
1960 Canada Dollar
1961 50 Cents - Elizabeth II 1st portrait, complete coat of arms
1961 Canada Dollar
1963 Canada Dollar
1964 Canada Dollar
1965 Canada Dollar
1966 50 Cents - Elizabeth II 2nd portrait, silver
1966 Canada Dollar
1967 Canada Dollar
1967 Canada Royal Canadian Mint Set
1967 Canada Royal Canadian Mint Set with 20 Dollars Gold, 1 Each
1968 proof Set - Elizabeth II 2nd portrait
1969 proof Set - Elizabeth II 2nd portrait
1970 Proof Set - Elizabeth II Manitoba
1971 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II British Columbia
1971 Proof Set - Elizabeth II British Columbia
1972 proof Set - Elizabeth II 2nd portrait
1973 Proof Set - Elizabeth II Prince Edward Island
1974 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II Winnipeg
1974 Proof Set - Elizabeth II Winnipeg
1974 Uncirculated Set - Elizabeth II Winnipeg
1975 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II 100 years Calgary
1975 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II large 2nd portrait
1975 10 Dollars - Elizabeth II Hurdles
1975 10 Dollars - Elizabeth II Shot Put
1975 Canada 4-Coin Silver Montreal Olympics
1975 Proof Set - Elizabeth II large 2nd portrait
1975 Uncirculated Set - Elizabeth II large 2nd portrait
1976 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II large 2nd portrait
1976 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II Parliamentary Library
1976 5 Dollars - Elizabeth II Fencing
1976 Canada 4-Coin Silver Montreal Olympics
1976 Proof Set - Elizabeth II large 2nd portrait
1976 Proof Set - Elizabeth II Parliamentary Library
1976 Uncirculated Set - Elizabeth II large 2nd portrait
1977 Proof Set Elizabeth II 2nd portrait, rim beads
1978 Proof Set - Elizabeth II small 2nd portrait
1978 Uncirculated Set - Elizabeth II small 2nd portrait
1979 Proof Set - Elizabeth II small 2nd portrait
1980 Uncirculated Set - Elizabeth II small 2nd portrait
1981 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II Trans-Canada Railway
1981 Proof Set - Elizabeth II small 2nd portrait
1982 Canada 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II Regina Centennial, Km 133
1982 proof Set - Elizabeth II small 2nd portrait 2
1983 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II World University Games
1983 Proof Set - Elizabeth II small 2nd portrait
1984 Proof Set - Elizabeth II small 2nd portrait
1985-1988 Canada 20 Dollars - Elizabeth II Speed Skating
1986 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II Centenary of Vancouver
1986-1988 Canada 20 Dollars - Elizabeth II Alpine Skiing
1986-1988 Canada 20 Dollars - Elizabeth II Biathlon
1986-1988 Canada 20 Dollars - Elizabeth II Cross-country Skiing
1986-1988 Canada 20 Dollars - Elizabeth II Free-style Skiing
1986-1988 Canada 20 Dollars - Elizabeth II Hockey
1987 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II Davis Strait
1987 proof Set - Elizabeth II small 2nd portrait
1987-1988 Canada 20 Dollars - Elizabeth II Bobsled
1987-1988 Canada 20 Dollars - Elizabeth II Curling
1987-1988 Canada 20 Dollars - Elizabeth II Ice Skating
1987-1988 Canada 20 Dollars - Elizabeth II Ski Jump
1990 Canada 5 Dollars, 1 Oz Fine Silver
1996 Canada Sterling Silver Fifty Cent Four-Coin Set, Little Wild Ones
1997 Canada Sterling Silver Fifty Cent Four-Coin Set, Canada's Best Friends
1998 Canada Sterling Silver Fifty Cent Four-Coin Set, Ocean Giants
2000 Canada Sterling Silver Fifty Cent Four-Coin Set, Birds of Prey
2005 Canada 20 Dollars - Elizabeth II Toronto Island Lighthouse
2005 Canada, 1 Dollar- Elizabeth II Canadian Flag; non-colored
2006 Canada 1 Dollar - Elizabeth II Medal of Bravery
2006 Canada 20 Dollars - Elizabeth II Ketch
2006 Canada 30 Dollars - Elizabeth II Canadarm
2006 Canada 5 Dollars - Elizabeth II 1 oz. Silver Maple
2012 Canada 20 Dollars - Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee
2012 Canada Wildlife Series Cougar 1oz .9999 Silver
2013 Canada 20 Dollars - Elizabeth II Superman; Man of Steel, Km 1447
2013 Canada 5 Dollars - Elizabeth II 25th Anniversary
2013 Canada 5 Dollars, 1Oz Silver, Pronghorn Antelope
2014 Canada 15 Dollars - Elizabeth II Year of the Horse
2014 Canada 5 Dollars, 1Oz Silver, Horse privy mark
2014 Canadian 5 Dollars 1 Ounce Silver Maple Leaf
2015 1.5 oz Canadian Silver Polar Bear and Cub $8 Coin .9999 Fine
2015 Canada 2 Dollars - Elizabeth II Devil's Brigade; ½ oz.
2015 Canada 20 Dollars - Elizabeth II Largemouth Bass
2015 Canada 20 Dollars - Elizabeth II Northern Pike
2015 Canada 20 Dollars - Elizabeth II Walleye
2015 Canada 5 Dollars, 1Oz Silver, E=mc2 privy mark
2016 Canada 20 Dollar 1-oz Silver Enterprise Proof
2016 Canada 20 Dollars - Elizabeth II Raccoon
2016 Canada 5 Dollars, 1Oz Silver, Wolf privy mark
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