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1 M.I. Hummel Figurines
M.I. Hummel / Goebel Ashtrays
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Arbeitsmuster, Color, Red X
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Arbeitsmuster, White
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Bankruptcy Sale
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Commemorative Plates
Goebel Collectors Club
M.I. Hummel Annual Bells, Christmas Bells, Miniature Bells, Color / White / Arbeitsmuster / Malmufter
M.I. Hummel Bookends
M.I. Hummel Calendars
M.I. Hummel Club / Society
M.I. Hummel Club Figurines, List
M.I. Hummel Festival Plaques
M.I. Hummel Figurines Lists
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Annual Bells
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Annual Plates
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Arbeitsmuster Color, = Working Sample
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Arbeitsmuster Red X, White
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Archivmuster = Archive Samples
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Aufsteller Plaques
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Century Collection
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Collector Set
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Collectors Club Plaques
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Commemorative Sets
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Fotomuster / Photo Pattern
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Holy Water Front
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Malmufter = Master Painters
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Master Painters Marks, Red Lines
M.I. Hummel Figurines, MUSTERZIMMER = Showroom Sample
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Originalmuster = Original Pattern
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Plaques
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Possible Future Edition
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Progression Series
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Spritzmuster = Spray Pattern
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Store Display Plaque
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Table Lamps
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Years of Service Plaque
M.I. Hummel Gold Christmas Ornaments
M.I. Hummel Miniature Figurines
M.I. Hummel Molds
M.I. Hummel Reproduction / Fake
M.I. Hummel Series
M.I. Hummel Years of Service Plaques
M.I. Hummel, Arbeitsmuster, Color, Red Line
M.I. Hummel, Arbeitsmuster, White, Red Line
M.I. Hummel, Caribbean Collection
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Trademark Tmk 4 Three Line Bee
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M.I. Hummel 21/0 1/2 Heavenly Angel, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 21/0 Heavenly Angel, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 21/I Heavenly Angel, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 21/II Heavenly Angel, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 21/III Heavenly Angel Green, Tmk 10
M.I. Hummel 214 A Nativity Set, Infant Jesus Tmk 4, Color, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 214 A Nativity Set, Infant Jesus, White, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 214 A Nativity Set, Virgin Mary Tmk 4, Color, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 214 A Nativity Set, Virgin Mary, White, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 214 B Nativity Set, Joseph, Color, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 214 B Nativity Set, Joseph, White, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 214 C Nativity Set, Good Night, Angel Standing Tmk 4, Color, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 214 C Nativity Set, Good Night, Angel Standing, Color, Arbeitsmuster, Red X, Ki = Franz Kirchner 3/70, Tmk 4
M.I. Hummel 214 C Nativity Set, Good Night, Angel Standing, White, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 214 D Angel Kneeling, Angel Serenade Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 214 D Angel Kneeling, Angel Serenade, White, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 214 E Nativity Set, We Congratulate Tmk 4
M.I. Hummel 214 E Nativity Set, We Congratulate, White, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 214 F Shepherd Standing with Sheep, Color, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 214 F Shepherd Standing with Sheep, White, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 214 G Nativity Set, Shepherd, Color, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 214 G Nativity Set, Shepherd, White, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 214 H Nativity Set, Shepherd Boy Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 214 H Nativity Set, Shepherd Boy, Arbeitsmuster, Color, Red X, Ki = Franz Kirchner 10/71, Tmk 4
M.I. Hummel 214 H Nativity Set, Shepherd Boy, White, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 214 J Donkey, Color, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 214 J Donkey, White, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 214 K Nativity Set, Ox (Cow) Tmk 4, Color, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 214 K Nativity Set, Ox (Cow), White, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 214 L Moorish King Standing, Color, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 214 L Moorish King Standing, White, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 214 M Nativity Set, King, Color, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 214 M Nativity Set, King, White, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 214 N Nativity Set, King, White, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 214 O Nativity Set, Lamb, Color, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 214 O Nativity Set, Lamb, Whiter, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 217 Boy with Toothache Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 217 Boy with Toothache Tmk 4, Type 1, Base
M.I. Hummel 218 2/0 Birthday Serenade, Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 22/0 Angel with Bird (Angel Sitting), Holy Water Front, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 220 We Congratulate Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 220 We Congratulate, Arbeitsmuster, Color, Red Line, FK = Franz Kirchner 8/63, Tmk 4
M.I. Hummel 2222 A Star for You, Arbeitsmuster, White, Tmk 8
M.I. Hummel 223 To Market, Table Lamp, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 224/I Wayside Harmony, Table Lamp, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 224/II Wayside Harmony, Table Lamp, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 225/I Just Resting, Table Lamp, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 225/II Just Resting, Table Lamp, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 226 The Mail Is Here Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 227 She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not, Table Lamp, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 228 Good Friends, Table Lamp, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 229 Apple Tree Girl, Table Lamp, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 23/3 Adoration, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 23/I Adoration, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 230 Apple Tree Boy, Table Lamp, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 234 Birthday Serenade, Table Lamp, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 235 Happy Days, Table Lamp, Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 238 A Angel with Lute Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 238B Angel with Accordion, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 238C Angel with Trumpet Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 239/A Girl with Nosegay, Mr. Robert L. Miller Collection, Tmk 4
M.I. Hummel 239/C Boy with Horse Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 239B Girl with Doll Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 24/I Lullaby, Candleholder, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 24/III Lullaby, Candleholder, Double Crown, Tmk 1, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 24/III Lullaby, Candleholder, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 240 Little Drummer Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 240 Little Drummer Tmk 4, Type 1 Base
M.I. Hummel 243 Madonna and Child, Holy Water Front, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 246 Holy Family, Holy Water Font, Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 248 Guardian Angel, Holy Water Font, Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 255 Stitch in Time Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 256 Knitting Lesson Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 257 For Mother Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 258 Which Hand Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 259 Girl with Accordion, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 26/0 Holy Water Font, Child Jesus, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 260/A Madonna, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 261 Angel Duet Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 262 Heavenly Lullaby, Arbeitsmuster, Color, Red X, Tmk 4
M.I. Hummel 264 Heavenly Angel Annual Plate 1971, 100th Anniversary Tmk 4
M.I. Hummel 264 Heavenly Angel Annual Plate 1971, 100th Anniversary Tmk 4
M.I. Hummel 264 Heavenly Angel Annual Plate 1971, 100th Anniversary Tmk 4
M.I. Hummel 264 Heavenly Angel Annual Plate 1971, 100th Anniversary Tmk 4
M.I. Hummel 264 Heavenly Angel Annual Plate 1971, 100th Anniversary Tmk 4
M.I. Hummel 264 Heavenly Angel Annual Plate 1971, 100th Anniversary Tmk 4
M.I. Hummel 264 Heavenly Angel Annual Plate 1971, 100th Anniversary Tmk 4
M.I. Hummel 264 Heavenly Angel Annual Plate 1971, 100th Anniversary Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 265 Hear Ye, Hear Ye Annual Plate 1972, Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 28/II Wayside Devotion, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 28/III Wayside Devotion, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 3/I Book Worm, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 3/II Book Worm, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 3/III Book Worm, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 30/0 A Ba Bee-Ring, Bankruptcy Sale, Tmk
M.I. Hummel 30/0 A Ba Bee-Ring, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 30/0 B Ba Bee-Ring, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 304 The Artist, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 305 The Builder Tmk 4, Type 1
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