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1 M.I. Hummel Figurines
M.I. Hummel / Goebel Ashtrays
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Arbeitsmuster, Color, Red X
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Arbeitsmuster, White
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Bankruptcy Sale
1. Upcoming Hummel Auctions
Commemorative Plates
Goebel Collectors Club
M.I. Hummel Annual Bells, Christmas Bells, Miniature Bells, Color / White / Arbeitsmuster / Malmufter
M.I. Hummel Bookends
M.I. Hummel Calendars
M.I. Hummel Club / Society
M.I. Hummel Club Figurines, List
M.I. Hummel Festival Plaques
M.I. Hummel Figurines Lists
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Annual Bells
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Annual Plates
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Arbeitsmuster Color, = Working Sample
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Arbeitsmuster Red X, White
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Archivmuster = Archive Samples
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Aufsteller Plaques
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Century Collection
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Collector Set
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Collectors Club Plaques
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Commemorative Sets
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Fotomuster / Photo Pattern
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Holy Water Front
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Malmufter = Master Painters
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Master Painters Marks, Red Lines
M.I. Hummel Figurines, MUSTERZIMMER = Showroom Sample
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Originalmuster = Original Pattern
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Plaques
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Possible Future Edition
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Progression Series
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Spritzmuster = Spray Pattern
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Store Display Plaque
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Table Lamps
M.I. Hummel Figurines, Years of Service Plaque
M.I. Hummel Gold Christmas Ornaments
M.I. Hummel Miniature Figurines
M.I. Hummel Molds
M.I. Hummel Reproduction / Fake
M.I. Hummel Series
M.I. Hummel Years of Service Plaques
M.I. Hummel, Arbeitsmuster, Color, Red Line
M.I. Hummel, Arbeitsmuster, White, Red Line
M.I. Hummel, Caribbean Collection
M.I. Hummel, Swiss Collection
Old Staffordshire Ware England
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Goebel Hummel Crystal Collection
M.I. Hummel Books
Napco Hummel Look-A-Likes
Our M.I. Hummel Collection, Display Pictures
Possible Future Editions (PFE) List
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Avon Collection
Beanie Babies
Bundeswehr Brustanhänger
Duplicates that I have for Trade
Gerold Porzellan Bavaria
Lefton China
Lenox® Figurines
Lladro Figurines
Reference Books / Standard Catalog of World Coins
White House Christmas Ornaments
Wood & Sons England
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M.I. Hummel Festival Plaques
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M.I. Hummel Series
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Trademark Tmk 4
→ Trademark Tmk 4 Three Line Bee
Trademark Tmk 4 Three Line Bee
Trademark Tmk 4 Three Line Bee
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M.I. Hummel 306 Little Bookkeeper Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 306 Little Bookkeeper Tmk 4, Type 1, Base
M.I. Hummel 306 Little Bookkeeper, Arbeitsmuster, White, Tmk 4
M.I. Hummel 307 Good Hunting Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 307 Good Hunting Tmk 4, Type 1, Base
M.I. Hummel 307 Good Hunting Tmk 4, Type 1, Base
M.I. Hummel 307 Good Hunting, Arbeitsmuster, White, Red Line, Tmk 4
M.I. Hummel 310 Searching Angel, Wall Plaque, Tmk 4
M.I. Hummel 311 Kiss Me Tmk 4, New Type, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 311 Kiss Me Tmk 4, Old Type, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 312 Honey Lover, Arbeitsmuster, FK 9/56, Tmk 2
M.I. Hummel 312 Honey Lover, Tmk 2
M.I. Hummel 315 Mountaineer Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 317 Not For You! Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 319 Doll Bath Arbeitsmuster, Red Line, Tmk 2 GN 3-57
M.I. Hummel 319 Doll Bath Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 32/0 Little Gabriel, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 321 Wash Day Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 322 Little Pharmacist Tmk 4, Vitamins, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 322 Little Pharmacist, Rizinusol, REZEPT in German, Tmk 4
M.I. Hummel 328 Carnival Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 33 Joyful, Ashtray, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 330 Baking Day, Bankruptcy Sale, Tmk
M.I. Hummel 330 Baking Day, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 331 Crossroads, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 332 Soldier Boy Tmk 4, Blue Cap Badge, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 332 Soldier Boy Tmk 4, Red Cap Badge, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 333 Blessed Event Tmk 4, 1955
M.I. Hummel 334 Homeward Bound Tmk 4, Old Type, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 334 Homeward Bound, Bankruptcy Sale, Tmk
M.I. Hummel 336 Close Harmony Tmk 4, New Type, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 336 Close Harmony Tmk 4, Old Type, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 34 Singing Lesson, Ashtray, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 340 Letter to Santa Claus, Arbeitsmuster, Color, Red Line, GN=Günther Neubauer 7/70, Tmk 4
M.I. Hummel 340 Letter to Santa Claus, Arbeitsmuster, Color, Tmk 4
M.I. Hummel 341 Birthday Present, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 342 Mischief Maker, Tmk 4
M.I. Hummel 343 Christmas Song, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 344 Feathered Friends, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 345 A Fair Measure, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 346 The Smart Little Sister Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 346 The Smart Little Sister Tmk 4, Type 1, Base
M.I. Hummel 347 Adventure Bound, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 348 Ring Around The Rosie, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 349 The Florist, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 35/0 Good Shepherd, Holy Water Front, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 350 On Holiday, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 351 The Botanist, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 352 Sweet Greetings, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 353/0 Spring Dance, Musterzimmer, O.S. 7/64, Tmk 4
M.I. Hummel 353/I Spring Dance Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 353/I Spring Dance, Arbeitsmuster, Color, Red X, Tmk 4
M.I. Hummel 36/0 Child with Flowers, Holy Water Front, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 361 Favorite Pet, Arbeitsmuster, Color, Red Line, FK 10/63, Tmk 4
M.I. Hummel 361 Favorite Pet, Tmk 4
M.I. Hummel 366 Flying Angel Tmk 4, White, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 367 Busy Student Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 367 Busy Student Tmk 4, Type 1, Base
M.I. Hummel 369 Follow The Leader, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 37 Herald Angels, Candleholder, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 374 Lost Stocking, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 378 Easter Greetings, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 382 Visiting An Invalid, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 384 Easter Time, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 385 Chicken-Licken, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 386 On Secret Path, Bankruptcy Sale, Tmk
M.I. Hummel 386 On Secret Path, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 389 Girl with Sheet of Music Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 390 Boy with Accordion Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 391 Girl with Trumpet, Tmk 4, Type 1
M.I. Hummel 392 Little Band, Arbeitsmuster, White, Red Line, Tmk 4
M.I. Hummel 392 Little Band, Arbeitsmuster, Color, Red Line, Tmk 4
M.I. Hummel 392 M Little Band, Music Box, Tmk 4
M.I. Hummel 396 Ride Into Christmas Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 4 Little Fiddler, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 42/0 Good Shepherd, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 43 March Winds, Arbeitsmuster, Color, Red Line, O.S. 8./62, Tmk 4
M.I. Hummel 43 March Winds, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 44A Culprits, Table Lamp, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 44B Out of Danger, Table Lamp, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 45/0 Madonna With Halo, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 45/1 Madonna With Halo, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 45/3 Madonna With Halo, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 46/0 Madonna Without Halo, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 46/1 Madonna Without Halo, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 46/3 Madonna Without Halo, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 47 3/0 Goose Girl, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 47/0 Goose Girl, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 47/II Goose Girl, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 48/0 Madonna Plaque, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 48/2. Madonna Plaque, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 49 3/0 To Market, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 49/0 To Market, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 49/I To Market, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 5 Strolling Along, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 5 Strolling Along, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 50 2/0 Volunteers, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 50/0 Volunteers, Tmk 4, Wanted
M.I. Hummel 50/1 Volunteers, Tmk 4, Wanted
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